Then the rain came for several days ......

When the sun came out, a few rounds of the field were made ...... and the old mower flung its last blade and died ..... actually, where it had been welded twice before was again broken, this time too bad to be fixed. There was danger of doing damage to the tractor if we tried to continue using it. And there were 55 acres yet to mow.

Fortunately our calf sale three weeks ago had reaped the funds for a new mower.......

Our old Zetor tractor needs worked on once in a while but it does a good job. I hope it keeps doing just that because by next year the rickety old rake will be the nessessary replacement.

(The swallows follow after the hay is cut to get their fill of bugs)

We are glad the rain held off .....

until he could get this hay field rolled .....

Hubby enjoys what he is doing... being a farmer.... and I enjoy him being happy. It makes me smile!
It's amazing to me how far those things have come since we used to go to Uncle Bill's house in the summer and ride the hay baler to make sure the strings stayed tied. But your post brought up those great memories for me... Thanks sis!!
Looks lovely mom!
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