My first choice was this Country Apple Pie. I decided to use oatmeal in my piecrust, which I have done on occasion before, but this time I used half oatmeal and half flour. (I love to experiment) Even with the extra oatmeal the crust held together well and made it into the piepan. I loved Rachel Ray's way of making a pie! Just make the bottom crust extra big and fold it over the filling (made with brown sugar and plenty of cinnamon). No need to bother rolling out a "lid". Walla! This was a hit with dear husband!
I also made a meat loaf, and so combined 2 cups oatmeal in the mix in place of seasoned bread crumbs or breading. It turned out real tasty! We have been eating it several days now.
Granola is next on my list. I love it for cereal in the morning . That will be an early Saturday morning project. There are numerous other ways uses for oatmeal. The Quaker Oats box used to carry a cookbook offer on the back. I have mis-placed mine and don't know if they still offer it, but it has many useful recipes in it. Oatmeal is so good for you ..... a natural grain, low in fat, and supposedly helps lower your cholesterol (if you eat it :) )
Homemade soap with oatmeal, for a gentle exfoliator, is a good project for wintertime. We have made goatmilk soaps using oatmeal and it is a very nice soap.
If any of you have favorite ways of using oatmeal please post them. We would love to hear.
MMMM, MMMM, MMMM. And by the way, the word is "voila" (french) .... not "walla". ;-)
Love ya sis!
That's okay..... I'm from the South, don't cha know.... here it's wal-la'! j/k
What about "Quick Oatmeal Bread" ??? ;( Oh wait....maybe it's because I am NOT there to make it for you ;) I love you Mom!!!!
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