There's no getting around it...... my Hubby likes to eat pie!
If I am going to eat pie, it has to have something in it other than fluff and sugar.

I make the crust using a good bit of old-fashion oatmeal added (1 part oatmeal to 2 parts flour)

Then I like to use fresh apples. I wash them good, then slice them up with skins on, saving all those good nutrients.

I stack it as high as I can, till they are falling off and can't be stacked any higher. More apple to crust ratio. I mix 1/2 cup flour and 3/4 cup brown sugar, and 1-2 tsp cinnamon (its good for you) Dot with butter and "put the lid on". Sculp an apple shape in the top crust to let out steam.

Bake at 375* for about an hour. When it is done I sprinkle a little cinnamon-sugar mixture on top . It will melt into place from the heat of the pie.

......... and there you have it , a Good-For-You apple pie!

I make the crust using a good bit of old-fashion oatmeal added (1 part oatmeal to 2 parts flour)

Then I like to use fresh apples. I wash them good, then slice them up with skins on, saving all those good nutrients.

I stack it as high as I can, till they are falling off and can't be stacked any higher. More apple to crust ratio. I mix 1/2 cup flour and 3/4 cup brown sugar, and 1-2 tsp cinnamon (its good for you) Dot with butter and "put the lid on". Sculp an apple shape in the top crust to let out steam.

Bake at 375* for about an hour. When it is done I sprinkle a little cinnamon-sugar mixture on top . It will melt into place from the heat of the pie.

......... and there you have it , a Good-For-You apple pie!
For those that requested, my pie crust recipe is simple, I am a "dump" cook.... a little of this , a pinch of that.
2 parts flour
1 part oatmeal (the old-fashion kind)
1 1/2 parts Crisco or lard
enough cold, cold, water to make into a nice dough.
Roll out immediately and put in pie tin. Make the top crust over-sized to fit over the apples. Crimp edges, cut slits and bake. I do my apple pies at 375* for about an hour
Oh My... your apple pie looks and sounds so good. Could you please give me your crust recipe?
Sounds wonderful. I never heard of oatmeal in the crust but sounds like not only a wonderful idea but a very tasty one, too.
Oh, I need a piece of apple pie.
Oh my! Apple pie! is my favorite. That would be a great treat on a day like today.
Beautiful crust, too!!
I guess everyone is waiting for the crust recipe. Me too. Yummy
Good Morning Sunny,
Your apple pie looks so delicious.I didn't know you could put the sugar on the crust after baking, and I have never tried oatmeal in the crust. Thanks for sharing this I will try it. I am out trying to catchup on my visiting this morning, as I have been so busy, like you. I just can't seem to get back to blogging regularly.
Your last post is priceless, Simon is handsome and Izzy is cute. At the present we are without the companionship of a best friend, but are looking to get us a Border Collie, for us and to help with our sheep.I did ask Santa for one, we will see if I have been a good girl or not! lol
Good luck with the tomatoes inside, please let me know if they pollinate. I might give it a try next year.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Hugs, Sue
Could you send one of those my way?? :) are speaking the language of my heart! So yummy. blessings,Kathleen
Yum! Home, hearth and hot apple pie...the stirring of holiday memories.
Thank You... sounds easy, my kind of recipe!
I don't understand "parts".
Does that mean cups?
Maybe not because one and a half cups of crisco sounds like a lot.
Oh yeh, send one Kim's way so I can go over and get a piece of it!!
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