Friday, September 10, 2010

Still canning ....

The other evening we went to the Mennonite farm and came home with a bushel of wonderful green beans. They were able to raise them this late in the year because of their drip irrigation system.

I was sure glad to get them as we hadn't been able to can when green beans would have normally been available.

We canned 14 quarts and 16 pints. That added quite a bit to our winter pantry stock.
Besides that, it inspired a new little painting, posted on Sunny's Studio.


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

oh yummmi for the winter!!!

floweringmama said...

Oh my goodness, you've been a busy gal!! I didn't get enough green beans to can... they just keep trickling in enough to make for dinner.

Jen said...

They look great. I didnt get to can ANY green beans this year from our garden :(

Sue said...

Hi Sunny,
Your green beans look wonderful. I officially put my canning pots up today. yea!! And would you believe green beans are the only vegetables I didn't get this year. We planted three times and to no avail. Enjoy yours they are beautiful.

Vickie said...

Hey Sunny - About blueberries - yes, they grow well in Texas. Once they get established in this good ole sandy dirt we have. We have several "pick your own"s in our area. I plan on having some of my own, too. They need lots of sun - all day long and plenty of water, but they do well here. Now, go make you some biscuits!

Vickie said...

Oh I forgot to tell you your green beans look great! Mine did not do well this year - well the bush beans did good, but the pole beans never bloomed. I put about 6-8 quarts up in the freezer. Next spring, no pole beans - just bush beans. I may have to ask you how the best way to can them...

~mel said...

Well aren't you just the little canning queen! Rabbit and beans... sounds so good. I didn't have to can beans this year because I did enough last year. My nephew and his wife were canning rabbit too the other day. I've never had it canned; but imagine it's super delish! I have canned chicken though in the past and I imagine you use it just the same. LOVE the post!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

You certainly are a busy lady !
Those green beans look delicious, and will taste wonderful especially during the cold winter months.
I wish I knew more about canning, I've canned tomatoes and that's all.
In the meantime, I'll just drool at your pictures ;)