So here is my project, well underway I might add. I remembered how to knit and how to purl and that was about it (30+ yrs since my last attempt), so after deciding to make a shawl, I had her figure for me how many stitches I needed to cast on, and decided on a wide rib-knit pattern. As I got further along I was glad I had chosen that pattern, as it is real stretchy. I decided it could be dual-purpose; wear as a scarf, with my winter coat to church, and when I take my coat off ..... it is stretchy enough to wear aross my shoulders and pull down across my back to keep me warm, as I am never warm enough at church in the winter. Now, the youngest Dd thinks it would make just an awesome sweater! (is this a hint??? I have been told I am pretty thick-headed)
Also Ihave been following Rhonda's "down-to-earth" blog, and had been interested in all the ways she saves $$'s. Don't we all like to do that?? I saw where she had posted about making these neat dish-cloths with cotton yarn. Great because they last so long and would make nice Christmas gifts! So I checked out the price of the yarn, added it into my budget for this month, and here is my hand-knit dish-cloth .....

Oh, but you see, I had to get the BIG bolt of yarn (cheaper that-a-way, .... just sayin').... plus a couple colors, of course :) .....and different size needles than my shawl needles.
But isn't this neat???
And it looks so pretty all folded up.....
You can find the pattern here, at "home-spun living", another really neat blog.
I have posted before about the socks Dd made me and the tea-pot cozy. So do some of you knit? What do you like to make?
You are doing so well with your knitting.
I used to knit quite a bit, but sadly it went the way of other hobbies taking a back seat to 'must do's' or so it always seems.
I like the dishcloth idea, I could handle that, and I do love cotton dishcloths.
Good Luck !
I don't knit but your items are lovely! :)
I like the dishclothe. I do knit but haven't done much for a while. I do crochet hats for the homeless - we (a big volunteer group) make about 1200 hats a year - plus scarves and afghans and mittens.
That dishcloth is really pretty, I love it. Your shawl is looking great too. I want to make me a shawl for when I sit outside on chilly mornings :) I dont know how to knit, just crochet.
...and the addiction has begun, hahhahaha, jk ;-), we just swapped interests a wee bit as I am anxious to start some hand quilting! Love the dishcloths and your shawl is coming along quite nicely!
Oh how I wish I could do that. I've never learned how and I am not one of those that can learn by reading, I have to have hands on learning! They are gorgeous and anyone should be proud to receive those as Christmas gifts!
I love hand knitted or crocheted dish cloths!! (Hint hint!)
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