Friday, May 7, 2010

Pennsylvania Daughter's Place

Since I am currently on vacation in Pennsylvania where my grown children live, staying at my oldest daughter's home, I thought I would show you the highlights of her yard, flowers and herb garden.
Quaint front porch, where hostas, old tinware planters, roses and herbs line the porch.

On the east side of the house, lilacs and hostas are plentiful. Her bird feeding station near here has a huge pine tree for feeders and shelter.
In the back is this wonderful rock garden......

with Ivory White Columbine.....
Bleeding Hearts........

and full of Lily of the Valley and Forget-Me -Nots,

with a little toad house.

A sun garden above the vegetable garden, hosts many more herbs and lilies, and an old garden bench.

on the back and west more hostas and lilacs,

which were in full bloom when I arrived,

and a beautiful Japanese Maple for accent.
Those of you who have followed my blog will know that we have very much in common in the way of gardening! It always feels peaceful and homey here, which she also says when she visits our place.
Do you other 'mothers and daughters' have similar gardening interests?


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Lovely lovely garden. One of my daughters gardens like I do - the other gardens for food - her food beds are her yard decor - and we like that - often food comes to our house from her garden. I dont' think she grows one single flower, and her garden beds are lovely.

Penny said...

What a wonderful garden!

Katy said...

What a beautiful area she has around her home! :) I live in PA, too! :)