At first we thought it was a coyote as they are not scarce here. Then as we got a better look we saw it was a red fox, probably hunting moles. I was able to get this photo of him through the window with my zoom.
........ I was pulling away some of the old dead shoots from last year to get a better look at the root system, when I came upon this patch of hair and leaves. Ahaa! a mouse nest, I bet!

I pulled back a little to get a better look so as to do them in with my shovel, but wait.......

THESE weren't mice! They were baby rabbits! Eleven of them! Well I just couldn't do them in..... they were so cute!

So I tucked the nesting material back in around them and let them be. This patch of mint will just have to wait til these babies leave their nest before it gets divided. Just what we need ..... more rabbits ...... especially with the barnful we already have here.
What kind of critters are in your neck of the woods??
They are precious!! My kids would be in 7th heaven if we found that nest on our property! :)
We have the regular wild animals around here, coon and opossums. We also have quite a few blacktail deer and a brown bear or two. About 5 more miles up you can find mountain lions and foxes.
Hi Sunny,
The same critters are at my place, I had a similar experience last year in my herb garden with baby rabbits(so cute) but the parents love my lettuce. Now, as for the red fox you can keep him,lol we have had our share of them and boy they have had some great feasts on my guineas and chickens. Loved the photos. I get to see a lot of interesting sites out my window too.
Enjoy your day.
Hi Sunny... Cute Critters :) I'm gonna have to go snooping in my yard to see what I can find... I have seen baby rabbits in the yard already this year.
I knew rabbits had large litters but eleven? WoW...We have everything you can imagine for North Wi....the list is long...everything from big cats like the cougar, bear, wolves, deer, to the small fries like the rabbits, tons of geese, ducks and songbirds, rodents of all kinds, fox, coyote, lynx, bobcat, waterrats, beaver, double stripped pussys with fluid drive (skunks)...probably all that you have.......and then some, even the mice that I would have stomped too.
Have a great week
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