My rooster thinks he is just "Cock of the walk"
They sure enjoy the freedom; picking and running and flapping their wings.
I don't leave them out too long or they would find the garden :0
And they all need to be tucked safely in at night. Too many predators looking for an easy meal!
Do you let your chickens free range?
You know the old riddle "why did the chicken cross the road"? Well mine wouldn't make it, and that's the reason I don't let them out! But mine do get "room service" ie. grass clippings, veggie & other food scraps, overgrown lettuce from the garden, etc...so I am not going to tell them about their Kentucky cousins, going for walks! Besides you don't have a dog so you got to take something for a walk, :-P
Your rooster is certainly a handsome fellow! I hope to have a few chickens next spring but for the good of the neighborhood alas no roosters will dwell in my lil coop.
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