I woke about 4am yesterday to snapping and cracking sounds, some loud enough to sound like firecrackers, others like gunshots. The ice storm had hit with brutal force! No electric, no internet, no dishwasher (yeah!!!) but we did have water b/c its county fed, needs no electric; and wood stove to heat and cook on, kerosene lantern for light, flash lights, candles, and plenty of food. And .... the generator we had bought in preparation of Y2K.... Here we are, almost 40 hrs after power outage, staying warm, cozy, well-fed and content!
We took showers early as the hot water was not going to last, then we checked the rabbit barn and found them just fine. Chickens doing okay too. I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures while hubby got to work and fired up the generator to keep our freezer and fridge going. The scenery was absolutely beautiful......
We took showers early as the hot water was not going to last, then we checked the rabbit barn and found them just fine. Chickens doing okay too. I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures while hubby got to work and fired up the generator to keep our freezer and fridge going. The scenery was absolutely beautiful......

The little pin-oak tree in the front yard is laden down so heavy the branches almost touch the ground. Ice covers every thing! The barb-wire fence looks like pipes!

Day 2
As of last night the power lines are down( as in "on the ground" down...), in the pastures on both sides of the driveway, across the neighbors driveway and ours. The electric pole at the end of our driveway had snapped off about 20' up, from the weight of ice on the lines. Michelle's electric pole is lifted out of the ground and balancing very precariously, held in place by 1 wire. It is that way all over our area for miles!
Day 3

In this neighborhood, we all have an eye out for each other.We can shower at Tracy's, and they are using our camping stove to cook on. Mike and Rita were out early cutting trees off the roads. They were given some kindling wood for their fireplace by Rodney who works installing hardwood floors. DH offered them a load of tree wood also for their fireplace. I am glad for the neighbors we have, and thankful to God for bringing us here to live. More later......
Glad to hear you are doing well! I tried calling several times but duh no electric = no phone. I don't have the cell number in this new cell phone and of course it is not written down anywhere!
Love you!
Hi Sunny, wow, I feel bad because I was posting about the itty bitty ice storm we had that only lasted a day and made the country beautiful. I hope your electricity stays on and I hope this storm leaves soon! Stay warm, blessings,Kathleen
Thanks Kathleen, but no need to feel bad,girl! I enjoyed your pictures. We are having another great adventure, living like 75 yrs ago! Our electric is not up yet, but we do have the generator running a few hrs a day. The guys working on the electric say sometime next week maybe til we get power back.
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