It was just a year ago my eldest daughter Tina, the family "Knit Wit", came to visit while I had scopes done on both my knees, and she got me back to knitting , which I hadn't done since being a very young mother. I progressed during the following months from knitting dishcloths, to a shawl, to a tiny hat and leg-warmies for my new grand-daughter, to my very first pair of socks!
I have heard it said the knitting is a great wintertime project. I found it also to be a great project during a time of bereavement. These are the projects I have been working on the last few weeks. My second pair of socks (for when I am out plein air painting in the cold) is now finished....

.... and I am now doing a pair for my youngest daughter. She loved these colors! She also likes her socks short so knitting these should go a little faster than the regular length. I have just turned the heel and picked up the stitches on the sides , ready to do the gusset.

Knitting is such a relaxing project, almost mindless at times once you know the pattern. And such a great reward for the work put into it. The next pair I am planning to make has cable design down the sides. That may prove to be a challenge!
Glad you've rekindled your knitting and that it is help you. I've thought of you often and I'm glad to hear from you again. My heart goes out to you Sunny and so do my prayers. I hope you feel them. ((hugs))
I always thought of knitting as a way to send hugs to people. They can feel the love in every stitch!!! What wonderful projects and I'm glad they are helpful to you at this time.
Very nice. Love both colors. Knittin/crochetin is good for the soul. I really need to learn how to crochet socks one of these days...
Great job and beautiful colors. I love knitting socks!
Can't wait to see the cable knit can do it!
Beautiful colors and beautiful work!
I'm glad you found your way back to knitting. It is a beautiful art.
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