BURGOO (ewww) .... a southern soup-like dish I never thought I'd care for, but Hubby brought home some fixing's the other night .....

.... and we got at and added to, and made 3 huge pots-full. We canned 15 qts., put 1 qt in the freezer and had enough left for a couple meals for the 2 of us. (We had googled for a recipe to see what to add)
Doesn't it look good?? It is!
We just cannot see good food going to waste. So, leftovers from a company dinner, and a couple bags of lima beans, blackeyed peas, and celery, carrots, and onion that we had on hand.... oh, and 4 bottles of BBQ sauce and seasonings. and we have quick meals to open at a momments notice!
The kitchen had already been cluttered cuz I was out all day seeking references for paintings. But we pushed things aside and did it anyway. BTW, one of the most useful things I learned growing up was...
... how to stack dishes! Our canning was done and kitchen clean by 11 pm.
Meanwhile I have only a few inches til my 2nd sock is done. I will post when they are so you can see too (two ?)!
Ah, yes.... and I need to give Izzy a bath and a trim. Doesn't she look like she needs one???
Maybe I'll get to pick up a paint-brush yet this afternoon.
Hmmm.... burgoo huh? Interesting...
Looks good... never heard of burgoo, I'll have to look it up. Girl... I know how to stack some dishes too, I always have dishes stacked in the drain! Socks lookin goo and Izzy is so cute.
My you've been busy. I had some burgoo one time - best stuff I ever tasted. I have a hunch each person's recipe comes out a little different.
I have never heard of burgoo, but it looks delicious. Izzy is too cute.
My oh my you have been so busy! I wish I could've been there to help. I might've snuck home with a jar!
Your Izzy is adorable..I just clipped my two shih tzus last week
I,too, have not heard of Burgoo. When I saw the picture, I thought it was the same soup we made last Fall using plenty of corn. Turned out real good.
You are right..."waste not, want not"
I have not heard of burgoo, but it looks delicious. One of the things I like about canning soups and sauces is that you can have a meal on the table in no time at all.
I am looking forward to canning from my garden again this year.
Your little Izzy looks adorable any way she is!
Enjoy your weekend.
Hugs, Sue
Your Kentucky Burgoo looks fantastic. I will have to try some of that. We love comfort food, especially in the winter.
I had to giggle at the 'stack' cause it is an artform to stack so high and efficiently. Do it all the time.
Your sock looks great. I knit and crochet, but have not ever knit socks. I really should learn. Bill still wears the wool socks his Mom knit for him some 45 yrs. ago. We just keep changing the heel and toe out with new ones. Works great.
As for that sweet Izzy, what a charmer.
Izzy is beautiful! A bit like Mr McDoodle, who is currently doing a sheep impression as it's been to cold out to trim him...!
Burgoo? Hmmm... sounds like 'don't waste anything stew'! I have got to get back to canning Soon!!!
Yes, stacking dishes can be an art form~ and not to be attempted by the weak of heart as the stacks do avalanche once in a while!!! :)
You are the busy one this month aren't you? Looks wonderful! Now I'm off to look at your newest painting! blessings,Kathleen
reminds me of my grandpas brunswick stew,with all kinds of meat in it. yum.Your painting is so nice I would buy it if money were not so tight,will you have more later i hope. oh lv the scoks :) Have a great week end Tink
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