BURGOO (ewww) .... a southern soup-like dish I never thought I'd care for, but Hubby brought home some fixing's the other night .....

.... and we got at and added to, and made 3 huge pots-full. We canned 15 qts., put 1 qt in the freezer and had enough left for a couple meals for the 2 of us. (We had googled for a recipe to see what to add)
Doesn't it look good?? It is!
We just cannot see good food going to waste. So, leftovers from a company dinner, and a couple bags of lima beans, blackeyed peas, and celery, carrots, and onion that we had on hand.... oh, and 4 bottles of BBQ sauce and seasonings. and we have quick meals to open at a momments notice!
The kitchen had already been cluttered cuz I was out all day seeking references for paintings. But we pushed things aside and did it anyway. BTW, one of the most useful things I learned growing up was...
... how to stack dishes! Our canning was done and kitchen clean by 11 pm.
Meanwhile I have only a few inches til my 2nd sock is done. I will post when they are so you can see too (two ?)!
Ah, yes.... and I need to give Izzy a bath and a trim. Doesn't she look like she needs one???
Maybe I'll get to pick up a paint-brush yet this afternoon.