You can see the Jefferson Davis Monument at Fairview KY in the background. People came from all over, some from many hours away, seeking their own specific treasure. They milled around , waiting in anticipation for the auction to start......

Rows and rows of farm machinery, horse and tractor drawn, ground-driven and pto. Rakes and spray units, riding lawn mowers and old-fashion reel mowers. Tractor of all shapes and sizes, rubber-tired and steel-wheeled, hay and grain wagons, manure spreaders and lime spreaders,
Piles of lumber, doors and windows, frame-work for a huge green -house, fencing wire and posts, plastic tubing by the rolls, wheel-barrows and carts, farm tools, and on and on it went, all that you could inagine ......

After I had walked around the machinery areas ( I was instructed to keep an eye on one of 3 manure spreaders) I headed toward the poultry and rabbit tent where my interest was.
On the way I passed ...... trays of garden vegetable plants .... flowers .... and fruit trees already budding out! In turning back to my path, I could not resist going up onto the dock and taking another picture of all the people ......
The auction is about to begin..........
Chickens and turkeys, pheasants and pigeons, peacocks , and ducks and geese. Rabbits and guinea pigs and a baby lamb. Four long rows stretched clear to the end of the tent and way beyond!
The "Three Little Pigs" were there also ....
After 2hrs this is what had been sold of the poultry and rabbits, and so very many more to go.....
But I had to leave for now... I had other business to tend to.......
I got a small sub sandwich in the huge "lunch-room" where the Amish and Menonite women served everything from subs and burgers with FFries toa full course meal with BBQ chicken ! They also had a table set up where all the ladies had brought in home-baked pies, cakes and cookies and bread to sell to support their school.

After lunch I walked through the used furniture sales under the roofed in area on the dock. There were mattresses (new) and bedroom sets, dining sets, Amish made furniture, old and new items filled the space. I found several items of interest there.....
.......such as this old "ice-box", and the treadle sewing machine behind it, and even a guitar for those musically inclined.

A nice wood-heating stove, with plenty of surface on top to cook on....

A nice wood-heating stove, with plenty of surface on top to cook on....

..... an elderly gentleman taking advantage of the recliner for sale, and the old Maytag wringer washers. Birdhouses in the back right, and a child's play desk top left.

I think this old wood cook-stove has seen better days..... Oh what stories it could tell!

I think this old wood cook-stove has seen better days..... Oh what stories it could tell!

Okay, back to the poultry tent where I was sooooo enjoying all the diverse breeds and colors!

Golden Pheasants, Barred rocks, Guineas, Astrolorpes, Rhode Island Reds

Toulouse Geese (sp?)

Royal Palm, Slate Blue, and Bourbon Red turkeys

Fawn Runner ducks (?)

Self-Blue Old English Bantys
By 5:30 I had paid my bill, loaded up my few purchases and went home. My husband took one look at my beaming face and said, "You really enjoyed yourself today, didn't you?" with a knowing grin. I handed him the PTO unit I had "found" for him, smiled, and told him he could have the machine it fit into, but he would have to go get it. I got a really big hug for that!
Wow Mom, I almost felt like I was there with you...almost. Wonderful post, wonderful pictures, if you let me know when it is there AHEAD OF TIME, I may schedule my visit to coincide with it! You have to post pics of the ones you bought though! Looking forward to it.
P.S. The ducks are Mergansers, the male has most of the white, while the female is the copper brown color.
Looks like you had a wonderful time. And also I am glad to know the Three Little Pigs were alive and well... (for now at least) since I hadn't heard anything about them in a long, long time!! :-) Nice post sis!
Thanks for the correction, Tina. They did look a little heavy for runners.
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