...............when hubby comes up to me and says "Hey, Hon, they have chicks over here....."
(wondering... what do we need more chicks for??) well... because what we got will be at least half roosters (spelled r-o-a-s-t-e-r-s) so, yes... came home with a dozen more chicks. We think these might be Plymouth Barred Rocks. People at the store said some white ones were Cornish X and others were "Rocks". Anyway, we may as well make a day of it when we 'process'. I will keep some hens from these also if there are any.
Oh they are so cute, how can you think of "processing" them... LOL! Of course you are looking at the "bigger picture"... when they are bigger! Love ya, sis.
Of course when they are bigger :) They are not even big enough to make "city chicken" at this point, LOL! Do you remember that dish Mom used to make??
Wow! your blog is great!
We are wanting to start the chicken thing this summer... any tips? I was raised around farming, and am finally zoned for chickens. YEA!!!!
Also, any tips on gaining followers?
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