A couple days ago I decided I need to finish up some projects before they got put too far on the back burner (pun intended),
so I got out my Dutch Oven and used the Christmas ham-bone in the makings of Split-Pea soup. There may be 2 servings left..
Last fall when the Amish brought in a semi-load of apples we got 3 bushel; one to make applesauce and two to keep over winter in the "cold room". As I was checking the 'keepers' over yesterday I decided we needed to use some up as the Cortlands were starting to wither some. So today I put a kettle of apples on to make apple-butter.
I have about 1/3 of a gallon of apple cider left from the holidays so that will go in to the makings and give it a richer flavor.
Meanwhile in the evenings I finished my grandson's hat that was to be part of his Christmas, but due to mistakes and UN-knitting it was not ready. This is called "Seaman's cap" and you can find instructions here.

I also had yarn left over from DD's Slouche' hat I knitted for her so I decided to make a scarf to go with it. She already recieved the hat... It was made from the Homespun brand Nouveau; a kind of chunky yarn in painterly color.

I don't make New Years resolutions, but I am going to try to keep on top of things a little better than last year.
For instance, tomorrow I will be making up a fresh batch of laundry soap, as I have only enough left for next weeks laundry, and I don't want to run out. Too easy to just go buy it then.
I tend to be a bit of a procastinator, so I figured the best way for me to keep up is just to "Get R' Done"! How about you ? Do you find it hard to stay motivated, especially at this time of year??
Love this post Sunny... I've never made split pea soup but I do so love it, I made Great Northern Bean soup last night with our leftover Christmas ham bone, yum yum. I made our laundry soap on Tuesday :) I just love both hats and the scarf you made, Beautiful Work!
I'm a procrastinator too sometimes... and yes specially this time of year. Some days I just want to snuggle on the couch all day... but I dont, lol.
ps. I'm puttin your package in the mail tomorrow.
I fixed 3 huge pots of split pea soup with lots of ham which we fed The King's Kitchen on January 4th. Gotta have split peas if you've got any southern blood in you!!!
Mmmmmmmmmm split pea soup.
Love the hats - great for this time of the year.
I'm not often a procrastinator - usually I am plunging ahead and getting many things started - and in the end tend to get them all done.
Applebutter sounds good - I have no leftover apples but when I find some on a great special I think I'll make myself a few jars of it - it is not a huge favorite around here, except with me, but I love some on my toast in the morning with a nice hot cup of tea.
Pea Soup, Apple Butter, Seaman's Cap, Slough for DD, she's beautiful, by the way, a scarf to match, your own homemade laundry soap?...man, I need some of that "GetRDone" stuff.
I did make pea soup just after Christmas, the apple butter was made in the fall and the grown kids are already requesting more. I have not even picked up my needles this winter, YET, and I have never made soap. You are one ambitious gal. I'm exhausted just reading this. Been in the worse slump.
Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.
Love split pea soup............is there any thing better?? When I worked, I found it hard to take care of what I needed to do, now that I am home......I am getting so much done! Loved the hat! Blessings,Kathleen
Wow Sunny, you have been one busy girl! Soup, knitting, making apple butter . . . you aren't a procrastinator, you're a planner!
You have been busy! BUT ~ it's a good busy. So far I've been sticking to my resolution of the year ~ simplify and declutter. Now, if I could just find the time to craft!
Hi Sunny....don't know where I found you ...but I do like what you have to say...I really admire a woman who does it herself!!
I have a habbit of putting things off. I don't think you get side tracked to often. It looks like you know how to finish what you start.
I love the hats that you made and the scarf too. just beautiful. I really would like to learn how to knit. I just need to put my mind to it and try. I have a grandbaby on the way and would love to make it something nice.
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