A couple days ago I decided I need to finish up some projects before they got put too far on the back burner (pun intended),
so I got out my Dutch Oven and used the Christmas ham-bone in the makings of Split-Pea soup. There may be 2 servings left..
Last fall when the Amish brought in a semi-load of apples we got 3 bushel; one to make applesauce and two to keep over winter in the "cold room". As I was checking the 'keepers' over yesterday I decided we needed to use some up as the Cortlands were starting to wither some. So today I put a kettle of apples on to make apple-butter.
I have about 1/3 of a gallon of apple cider left from the holidays so that will go in to the makings and give it a richer flavor.
Meanwhile in the evenings I finished my grandson's hat that was to be part of his Christmas, but due to mistakes and
UN-knitting it was not ready. This is called "Seaman's cap" and you can find instructions

I also had yarn left over from DD's Slouche' hat I knitted for her so I decided to make a scarf to go with it. She already recieved the hat... It was made from the Homespun brand Nouveau; a kind of chunky yarn in painterly color.

I don't make New Years resolutions, but I am going to try to keep on top of things a little better than last year.
For instance, tomorrow I will be making up a fresh batch of laundry soap, as I have only enough left for next weeks laundry, and I don't want to run out. Too easy to just go buy it then.
I tend to be a bit of a procastinator, so I figured the best way for me to keep up is just to "Get R' Done"! How about you ? Do you find it hard to stay motivated, especially at this time of year??