to this, in a couple days!

and, BTW, looking at that empty garden plot and that green grass, reminds me ....
This came in the mail a few days ago...

They sure have me pegged!

Wish it were that easy...

but there are some good ideas in this book. I think I will get it from the library and save my $39.95 + shpg and hndlg charges :)
Whoohoo!! Look at all that green!! We've gone from snow to ugly again! Mud first then green later... hopefully not white again, but alas it is only March... So we'll see! Nice post! Encouraging the spring fever! Thanks! ;-)
I'd do the same. :)
I can't think of anything that promises no work and turns out good!
Wow - what a change. Gardening is always the most fun in the spring.
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