I know most everyone around here is sick of rain, but it has done wonders for our garden that got planted so late......
These are our first pears on the tree we planted last year.....
and our blueberries got soooo big......

so are the cantalopes...

and peppers galore ....... it takes lots of water to grow good peppers.

I have to keep my volunteer cukes picked before they get too big

The corn was doing very well ,

.... until the raccoons visited. But it did not go to waste.
We salvaged what we could for ourselves, then cut the stalks and fed them to the cows....
Meanwhile the green beans and tomatoes are also coming on..
How is your garden doing?
Ummmmmmmm, Mom it all looks simply grand! Mine looks very sick in comparison. I think the heat (in our case lack thereof) has something to do with it as well. There is always next year though!
:'( I don't have one...
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