I need something ALIVE ........
something that MOVES ..........
( besides Izzy ..... shes quiet )
I had the chickens before, all pretty colors of them, till they got et by the possum. (well ........ now I just have to plug the hole in the chicken fence....)
And those guineas are like watch-dogs and will make lots of noise if someone comes around. Which, no one ..... hardly ...... does...... just sayin'....
AND, just to make them worth their keep ..........they eat TICKS!
So what do ya say??? You know me by now.... I like to have an alternate plan, just to cover my BE-hind..... never know what the gas prices are going to be.... or if Social Security will take a dive...... Yep, alternate plans are good ones. Besides it helps keep me from being down in the dumps because I can't go to Arizona right now. BOO-HOO