Next Hubby's cousin stopped in on their way back from PA to their home in Tx. We hadn't seen them for several years.
Then my sister came to visit in June and brought me these for my birthday (sorry, no people in this as I just took the picture) Don't they perfectly match our shutters?? And she got these beauties at a yard-sale and hauled them down in the back of her van.

We had a nice visit but we weren't able to do much in the way of "fun" things because of the limitations of my knees and the HOT-HOT-HOT weather. So we just enjoyed each other's company.
Also my niece and family were here the first part of July and Hubby and her husband Dave, both being of the "work-is-having-fun" type of guys, enjoyed themselves doing some needed electrical work and mounting more fans in the barn, while Rhonda and I cooked and chatted about several common interests, and the kids entertained themselves with Izzy and the rabbits.
A week and a half break and DD Tina was here to be with me for 2 1/2 weeks while I had knee-scopes and repair done. While here, she...
canned up 28 qts of delicious peaches,
and several pints of peach butter and peach jam.
We also stopped at a yardsale on the spur of the moment and found the bargain of the day...
a tread-mill walker for me to exercise on, as I can no longer use the eliptical I had.
She also got me started on a knitting project and I got her interested in doing at least a quilted table-runner. She is a fantastic knitter and has knitted some socks for me as well as a teapot cozy, which I have posted before.
This last weekend, we had emergency visitors, as our Amish friends who had moved to IL a couple years ago, were here for a funeral and needed a place to stay overnight. We were so glad they called us. It was not the first visit from them and hopefully won't be the last, but hopefully under happier circumstances next time. We are blessed with this home the Lord has provided for us, and glad there is room for company.
How about you? Have you had visitors this summer?