Sunday, March 1, 2009

Recession Ended

There has been so much talk about recession these days..... and harder times coming. Production had slowed down in the summer and dwindled to almost nothing about the time the new president was elected. No reflection on him, of course. It was the fault of the last administration :) Rumors and speculations flew around the farm as well as in the big metropolis. Every one was cutting back, afraid of what was coming. It seems as though even the farm critters sensed something was amiss.....
Miss Matilda from TGASK, was the spokes-person in the hen-house; and encouraged the others to try to come up with a Bail-Out plan before everyone lost their heads! I overheard them discussing among themselves one day soon afterward, and telling the rooster that maybe they should just quit being afraid of what was going to happen and go back to work,
using whatever talents and resources they had.
Well I would like to announce a glimmer of hope. If this is any sign of things turning around ..... I found 4 eggs this morning in the hen-house! My banty chickens are hard back to work after a 2 month "lay-off".


Tina. said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, wetting my pants laughing so hard. Mom you are toooooo funny! I can actually hear them!

nobody-but-us-chickens said...

No no, you don't want to eat them, really you don't, I think I read somewhere banty meat is really bad for you and will taste awful, yuck yucky yuck! Like you said on your other blog, it is better to eat rabbit than chicken!

Shelley said...

That is too funny! Im already a reader of your rabbit blog - but I think I will add this one as well!:)